Okay, managed tp pick up a good sized run of the current Weapon X title and was wondering if I've missed something, I read all the one-shots (like a good little comic-book fan) and then launched myself into the series and was puzzled by the whole "Hunt for Sabretooth" plot. When did Sabretooth leave the Weapon X program and run off with the data mutant files? Did this happen in an issue I missed or in another title? Or am I just thick and it's actually mentioned in one of the one-shots but I just mis-read it or drifted off into a wibbly-wobbly world of my own while reading it?

Btw, Sauron's issue was HILARIOUS! And how sweet is Wild Child??? (He seems to have actually reverted to a child!) Loved his issue with Aurora when he rescued her from the mental facility, it was very touching and sad when she rebuked him in the end... although he did look like Nosferatu...