I love threads like this!

I'm pretty much a Marvel guy. I've been collecting for 12 years and my collection is pretty Marvel-centric.

I'm really a fan of the B-C string characters. Some of my all-time favorites are: (besides Alpha Flight of course)

Wonder Man, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Genis-Vell, The Thunderbolts, Deadpool, Longshot, Madrox, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch,She-Hulk, The Great Lakes Avengers

The Wizard, Mad Thinker, Masters of Evil, Baron Von Strucker, Graviton, Maggia Crime Syndicate, A.I.M., Serpent Society

Outside of Marvel I love "The Goon" by Eric Powell, The Flash, Green Lantern.

I have to agree with everyone who mentioned New Warriors, The Roger Stern/John Buscema run of Avengers, The West Coast Avengers

Now-a-days I really love The New Thunderbolts, Marvel Team-Up, New Avengers

That's about 2 cents worth I think.