I've noticed for a time that teasers for bog evets are way better with DC than Marvel. Battle for the Cowl, for example, has several versions of Batman, a Tim Drake Batman, Richard Grayson Batman, Two-Face Batman, another one (likely Zombie Jason Todd), Hush, Damien, Batwoman (yes, I know, dull character with no purpose) but no Batgirl , Oracle, or Azrael. Easter eggs likely in the pic. An image that gets people talking and will clearly have something to do with Battle for the Cowl but not everything or nothing. Very interesting.

Most DC promo images for events are like that, good images with clues and easter eggs and things to make you go, hmmm, and most often they mean a lot to the story. Countdown, Final Crisis, Sinetro Corps War, all good images that helped create interest for thinkers too.

Marvel promos generally suck. No clues, no easter eggs, and you know that a lot of the image will have zip to do with the stories, and it's aggravating. Remember the Civil War promo? A bunch of random characters, some really random as they were nowhere to be found in any aspect of the series. The promo posters usually are meaningless from Marvel, it's as if the artist has no idea what the event is about.

I applaud DC for getting it right. Up until the promo poster for Battle, for instance, I couldn't care less about the book. Now, they've got my attention. The promo poster for Secret Invasion was so pointless I lost interest before the thing started.