As i was walking through my LWM today (that's my local Wal-Mart store), I happened upon something that surprised me in the books/magazine section.

It made me think; when was the last time i saw a new comic book for sale, outside a dedicated specialty store?

Yup, "Marvel Adventures: Iron Man # 1" was proudly on display (and I snagged a copy for my daughter, who is a HUGE Tony Stark fan). There were a couple of other things in the rack beside it. The rack (not a spinner rack, alas) was on the end of an aisle, near both the young adult books and the magazines, but separate too. There were several other "books" (?) there as well; a western type adventure of some sort, plus several manga-style anime things. Due to the varying shapes/thicknesses/cover-area of these other things, I am hesitant to label them "comics" - definitely nothing else I had ever seen or heard of, no companies other than the one Marvel title represented via Iron Man.

So, I suppose that is one good thing that has come out of the Iron Man / Avengers movie franchises - at least Iron Man is now being sold in something other than an LCS.

Still, makes me nostalgic for the days of the spinner-rack full of comics in every drugstore and corner-store and grocery store you could, but for Archie and Jughead comics in the grocery store check out line, none of these exist anymore.