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Thread: Happy Birthday Jo!

  1. #1

    Default Happy Birthday Jo!

    YAY, it's Jo's birthday today, the big 30!!!! Happy Old Hag day!

  2. #2


    So long 20's indeed...

    All the best luv Xxx

  3. #3



    That's so sweet! Thanks so much. =) And no I do not say I'm 29 'again'. A wise old drag queen told me once that 30 is when you start to relive yer 20's correctly! =)~~

    (p.s. folks he got the old hag thing FROM me...)

    *smooch cuddle*
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  4. #4


    A woman turning 30 in the Bay area... yeah, you'll have lots of examples around you of men who don't handle 30 so well. You know how we are. Just look at them, and do the opposite.

    And from what I've gathered, you lived your twenties JUST FINE, lol. Now it's time to break some records, no?

  5. #5


    Happy Birthday sweetheart. Thirty, why your still a youth. I wouldn't have put you a day over 29

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  6. #6

    Default boys are so sweet! I guess I won't make you all part of my early retirement plan after all (don't ask! trust me, just DON'T ask!) ^^

    LOL And yes MMJ I have been doing the opposite for YEARS! (except on bank holidays and weekends...then it's a bit suspect...)

    Del, yer as cute as a stomach pump. =p Thanks anyway =)

    Phil, ta a mil mate! =)

    I already gushed all over Ben on IM (brains OUT of the sewer thank you! mine's already set up shop down here) about the card. =)

    I shall be pissing off to the south for the weekend to hang with a mate whose b-day is also really soon and being bad with her and her hubby to in terroizing the town, jeeze what's with you lot? I may sneak on either tomorrow night or Saturday morning with a special head's keep an ear out.

    Again thanks boys. =) I guess I'm not trading ya's in for $$$ to the Amsterdam 'man market' after all.
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  7. #7


    I'm still willing to do that trade-off, if I get a cut.

  8. #8


    Happy Birthday Shark-girl!!!

    I'd post a prezzie for you on here, but Ben has issues with X-rated material on the forum...
    aka Tyvin on FFXI server Seraph.
    If I'm not at work or on MSN... I'm in Vana'Diel

  9. #9



    Hope you have/had a fabulous day and night and that you can remember most of it in the morning

    Btw, 30 is nothing... 31 however *shudder*...

  10. #10


    Thank you Beetle luv! Actually I'm taking to Mum's policy of age...'I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up!' it's worked so far.

    Swifty...Swifty...Phil we NEED that 'other forum' and now! Anything I can say about what he's talking about is all really naughty! well except maybe: =)~~~

    I WAS going to go to work tonight, I decided I am gonna play hooky instead...I haven't been to sleep yet...and not for lack of trying either. ^^ Had an INTERESTING conversation with my grandmother, who ALMOST got an idea of what a horrid child her granddaughter really is...Almost...key word there.

    p.s. MMJ? Let's talk m'boy! I do have plans to buy Tahiti after all by the time I'm 35. ^^
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  11. #11


    S'Ben's baby, m'dear... I just take care of the brat when he's out of town.

    And as to Amsterdam... well, that's a hell of a lot closer than the US

  12. #12


    Ahhhhhhh bugger. =p

    Boy have I been having a trip and a half! yeah, Jo's got an earful for the curious, when she gets home!!! (soap opera is a start.. ^^)

    As for the radio show boys...sorry that's turned into a no go...comp glitch...figures.

    I just saw something that made moi double mate...has a DOOZY of a wall clock! Alas Ben wants to keep the forum PG at most so I won't go into detail...the hands were 'stratigically' placed though. ^^

    I will babble later when I get home tomorrow and you lot can hear all the gory details in IM...

    Love you! Miss you!

    Jo xxx
    Hell was full, so I came back.

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