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Thread: Death Valley? Anybody?

  1. #1

    Default Death Valley? Anybody?

    So Jo's on holiday this week and seeing as she only lives a few hours drive from Death Valley, she figured she'd go check it out....anyone here been there before? I have all the web sites marked and the driving info printed and ready to go.

    Now I've lived in a desert before so I know all the survival stuff. I'm more interested in what anyone might have to say about what to check out while at the lowest point below sea level in the Americas. I'm mainly going to see the largest wildflower bloom on record at the place...that and it's freaking Death Valley for crying out loud!
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  2. #2


    Careful, I hear it's hot there,


  3. #3


    yeah in Summer it can challenge record temps world wide...this time of year though it only hits about the mid 80's F or around 25C so it's just right for nosing around and checking stuff out.

    I'm more worried about the venomous snakes ie: the ones with the noisy tails....and tarantulas...*shudders*
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  4. #4


    mmmmm, summer temeratures....

    That's about ohhhh, 37'C warmer than it was here today I want the snow to go away now.


  5. #5


    Soon enough, Ben.

    What about scorpions in Death Valley? I've never been there so I'm not sure they have any.

    But on the bright side it's hot, accessible, lots of people to meet...
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  6. #6


    Never been there, but I'm glad I'm not Ben. The high 70's F have been quite nice around here this week. A little rainy off and on, but I'll take that over the frigid north. Hang in there Ben, the groundhog said it would only last a couple more weeks.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole
    What about scorpions in Death Valley? I've never been there so I'm not sure they have any.
    if it's found in a desert, it's at D.V. ...scorpions granted I'd prefer to run into the German type rather then the arachnid ones, but hey...we can't all have what we want in life. =p One of the things about the place remote as it is, it's got a fairly well established infrastructure. It is a national park after all, so they do kinda want to keep the guests from being bumped off by nature.

    We've updated our plan a little to include the area we're staying in. A place called Ridgecrest, 55 miles from D.V. itself...which considering where it is, is a major metropolis compaired to the average desert town. There's ghost towns and all sorts of neat stuff around the place so when we get to town, we're going to hang out around there and check stuff out...spend the next full day in D.V. and then wrap it up with more town exploring before heading home.

    Either way, I'm going to post a link here of my live journal post about the trip with a link to the pictures...which reminds me...I'm taking my Stitch with me for the random goof ball shot that's a time honoured tradition in my family...we're sick people, it happens.
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  8. #8
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    My folks were in DV when the flowers began to bloom, they said is was simply amazing to see. You might want to check out the wild west town shows they put on.

  9. #9


    Yay! AWaves is back! It went wonky before I got back. =p

    Death Valley was a blast and a half even if we didn't do the ghost towns and stuff in Ridgecrest like we planned. I posted to my live journal about the trip as soon as I got home and I even have a bunch of pics on me pic site of our trip. The report be here...

    The pics be here: The first lot of wilderness shots are the DV pics themselves. Add in some goofing off shots from our room later that night with my Stitch and then back to more trip shots. There's a museum in Ridgecrest and I had a field day there with my camera. The last of the wilderness shots are on the road home through the Mojave desert and more specifically, Red Canyon national park. The first pic in the whole lot is of the valley floor from about a mile up. That white stuff that looks like snow is in fact salt...lots of it...two meters thick in some places.


    p.s. btw on the photo link is a link to an album called 'nob hill film fest 05', DO NOT CLICK THAT LINK if you don't want to see gratuitous nekkid man's something a male strip club did for a convention I work on every year and is SO NOT WORK/CHILD safe!!!!
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by ladymako71
    p.s. btw on the photo link is a link to an album called 'nob hill film fest 05', DO NOT CLICK THAT LINK if you don't want to see gratuitous nekkid man's something a male strip club did for a convention I work on every year and is SO NOT WORK/CHILD safe!!!!

    *Rushes to the link* Hey, sure I've seen them before, but... yeah, well... I'm lonely... and it's cold... and I'm still lonely....
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    *Rushes to the link* Hey, sure I've seen them before, but... yeah, well... I'm lonely... and it's cold... and I'm still lonely....
    I was thinking of posting something along the lines that you have already seen (and enjoyed them) =p (the naughty pics that is ^^)
    Hell was full, so I came back.

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