There's two non-Alpha Flight series I am liking right now:

Strange - A depowered Doctor Strange takes on an apprentice, a young girl who has a natural talent for magic. It's a fun mixture of the mystic arts with modern times. She has a pair of "truth glasses" where characters are seen for what they really are (mostly tentacles monster things) and it's very well done. The magic's not too too heavy that you have to be a long-standing expert in sorcery to enjoy it.

Spider-Man Secret Wars - An all-ages book that takes place on Battleworld, showing scenes that took place during the CLASSIC Secret Wars storyline. I'd put this series at the upper end of all-ages titles, as I really don't feel like I'm reading a kids' book most of the time... but the art is just cartoony enough to remind you. I was a HUGE fan of the Secret Wars series so this is just pure fun for me!

Well, I am liking these two series so check them out!
