• Alpha Flight Volume 3 RSS Feed

    by Published on 03-04-2010 02:01 PM  Number of Views: 6274 
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    Issue: Alpha Flight - Volume 3 #2
    You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me! Part 2 of 6
    Writer: Scott Lobdell
    Artist: Clayton Henry
    Cover: Clayton Henry, Mark Morales
    Date Published:
    June 2004


    This issue begins in the same place as the last issue. The perspective however is reversed. We are now able to see what the "New Alpha Flight" was able to see. The original members of Alpha Flight (Including Guardian, Vindicator, Snowbird, Shaman, Puck, and Earthmover) all encased in, and restrained by machinery.

    Again, like the first issue, the time line changes. We are now able to see the village of Yukon Jack. It seems he is the heir to the thrown of secret civilization of immortal beings. Yukotujakzurjimozoata is drugged by his father, who was paid off by Walter Langkowski. Yukon Jack is loaded onto Walter's plane.
    by Published on 02-09-2010 10:18 AM  Number of Views: 6889 
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    Issue: Alpha Flight - Volume 3 #1
    You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me! Part 1 of 6
    Writer: Scott Lobdell
    Artist: Clayton Henry
    Cover: Clayton Henry, Mark Morales
    Date Published:
    May 2004

    Before getting into the meat of the book, I want to start off by saying what I was honestly expecting from this book. I was going into it with a certain amount of trepidation. The last thing I wanted was to get my hopes up for naught. I have really mixed thoughts on the writing style of Lobdell, and was indifferent about his short stint on Alpha Flight v.1. That being said, here we go.