• DancingDevil

    by Published on 04-13-2010 10:37 AM  Number of Views: 6144 
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    2. Alpha Flight
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    We all know that Alpha Flight has been given a bad rap the last several years. Regardless of whether you believe that Marvel is intentionally trying to wipe them all out, it cannot be denied that Canada's most notable super-humans have had it rough. They are treated as a joke, even by former members of the team (Ex, Northstar: "That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard, and I was with Alpha Flight"). Whether it's having the entire active roster wiped out by the Collective, being stamped out during Necrosha, the falling apart of Omega Flight shortly after its formation (In Mighty Avengers. I mean, how many people are even on that team now that Pointer and Walker are gone? Three, four if you count Agent Brown?), or just fading into the realm of neglect and obscurity.